One Rotary Summit - Oct 17
You are invited...
Dear 6600 Rotarians,
Next Saturday the 2015 One Rotary Summit will be happening in District 6600!
This is a vibrant new opportunity where YOU will be an integral part of the day.
The half-day workshop focuses on the synergy of membership, giving, and public image in a roundtable format with other Rotarians. We're going to be talking about the common struggles in Rotary clubs and how we can make the biggest impact as an organization. We need your perspective and ideas to get the most out of the day...we need you!
The Summit is Saturday, October 17, at Terra Community College in Fremont, OH. Registration and continental breakfast will begin at 8 AM, and the Summit will begin promptly at 8:30 AM. We will conclude by noon.
This promises to be an exciting and worthwhile event. You have the chance to be a part of the groundbreaking team that forms the first One Rotary Summit in our District. Many clubs have already gathered teams of 4-5 people to attend together as this is a great event for new members and club officers alike. I encourage you to bring a team from your club.
Register today and we will see you at the Summit on October 17, 2015.
Yours In Rotary,
Gary Newton