Rotary Club of Ashland installs Cutright as president
James Cutright was installed as the Rotary Club of Ashland's 93rd president during a recent Tuesday lunch meeting on the campus of Ashland University.
Outgoing Rotary president Tom Roepke praised the good work of the local club over the past year. "Serving as president has been an extreme honor," he said.
Roepke listed a number of special projects, including the sponsoring the largest 4th of July fireworks in Ashland for the 2015 bicentennial, providing funding to Shelter Box disaster relief for recent earthquake in Nepal, support of the medical equipment and supplies abroad and locally sponsoring $6,000 in academic scholarships for Ashland High School students and United Way.
During his installation, Cutright said, "Rotary Club of Ashland represents a weekly opportunity for many of our area's business and civic leaders to meet and be inspired by fellowship, conversation and speakers with timely messages. It's truly a fun and friendly atmosphere, with a serious mission. My goal is to simply preserve what's been working, look for new ways to enhance Rotary's considerable impact in our community and encourage others to join us."
Cutright is the executive director of Ashland County Commnity Foundation. Other officers for the 2015-16 year are Troy Snyder, president-elect; Bill Roepke, secretary; and Roger Kramer, treasurer.